Unions and Indexing 10 exercises

Get All of an Object’s Values

We have an enum mapping similar to the last exercise called frontendToBackendEnumMap:

const frontendToBackendEnumMap = {
singleModule: "SINGLE_MODULE",
multiModule: "MULTI_MODULE",
sharedModule: "SHARED_MODULE",
} as const


Your job is to get ALL of the values from

Loading exercise


0:00 For this next exercise, we've got a similar kind of EnumMap, but now we want to actually grab all of the values from that object.

0:09 We don't just want singleModule, and we don't just want multiModule. We don't even want just a union of two of them. We want a union of all three of them.

0:17 That's your challenge is to try to take the pieces that we've got so far to actually get all of the object values from this frontendToBackendEnumMap.