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Total TypeScript

Legacy Core Volume (v1)

Matt Pocock
Matt Pocock

Total TypeScript Core Volume is a set of three full TypeScript workshops for the intermediate to expert professional TypeScript programmer that wants to take their skills to the next level.

Legacy Core Volume (v1)

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Legacy Core Volume (v1)

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  • BonusTypeScript Expert Interviews

  • Type Transformations

    Learn to manipulate types for cleaner, maintainable code with over 50 hands-on exercises, from string manipulation to advanced unions and mapped types.

  • TypeScript Generics

    Master TypeScript's generics with exercises from basics to advanced, including conditional types and currying.

  • Advanced TypeScript Patterns

    Intermediate to advanced workshop: Boost app logic, type global scopes, and debug with external libraries.

  • Intermediate - Advanced+

  • 3 Self-Paced Workshops

  • 149 Interactive Exercises

  • Streaming HD Video

  • Discord Community

  • English Transcripts & Subtitles

  • Progress Tracking

  • Completion Certificate

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

"Total TypeScript is hands down the best course out there, and the format is the best I've seen. It feels like you're doing a 1 on 1 with Matt Pocock."

Alex Tana

"These videos and exercises really helped me to get to the next level in TS. I could improve types in some projects at work right on the next day."

Sebastian Kasanzew

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