Frequently Asked Questions

What discounts are available?

There are no hidden special discounts available.

We support purchase power parity. This is automated based on IP address of the computer you are using to make the purchase. It's an imperfect system and the discount does not always display.

Note that if you use the PPP discount your purchase will be restricted to the country you purchased it from.

How do the “team” seats work? What is a “seat” in this context?

When you buy a team seat, you receive a link that can be used to register for the number of accounts you have purchased. The license is non-transferable (you cannot reassign a license from one person to another).

If I buy a volume, will future volumes be included in my purchase?

No. You will have to purchase each volume separately. This is a one-off purchase, not a membership or subscription.

When will future volumes be released?

Any future volume will be released when it is finished.

What content will be in future volumes?

We will announce the content of future volumes when they exist.

Will this be updated for future TypeScript releases?

Maybe, but base your purchase on what you see today. There is no guaranteee of future updates or promise of additional content. Purchasing this volume does not entitle access to future volumes.

What is PPP?

Purchasing Power Parity - a lower price for users in certain countries; content is a bit cheaper and the course is only accessible from the country it is purchased from.

Can I gift a license to someone else?

Yes, you can! Simply enter their email address instead of your own. There might be a verification code they receive that you’ll have to request from them. Also, if you buy a PPP license, then make sure you’re both in the same country otherwise they won’t be able to access the content in their country.

You can also purchase a a team license and then distribute the link to your team members and anybody else.

Is it possible to buy the course some other way? Installments? PayPal/etc?

No, the only available buying options are those on the site right now.

Does PPP limit bonus content?

PPP purchases are limited to the content that is displayed at the time of purchase and current and future bonus materials and features might not be available.

There are no bonuses right now on Total TypeScript's core volume - but we may introduce some further down the line.

When in doubt, and if you want to guarantee access to everything, purchase the product without PPP discount.

Does my company own the team license(s)?

Team licenses are actually coupon codes that can be redeemed by users. Companies are not meant to own or keep the licenses.

They are meant to be distributed and are owned by the individual that claims that seat.

They cannot be transferred or "passed around".

Can I customize the invoice? VAT/company details?

Yes, there’s a textarea that allows you to put any arbitrary information into the invoice PDF/printable.

Who is Total TypeScript for?

Total TypeScript is great both for beginners, and for those already familiar with TypeScript. Our Pro Essentials course covers material from beginner to intermediate, and the other workshops cover advanced content.

We recommend some beginner JavaScript experience before diving in.

What if I've been working with and studying TypeScript for years?

You'll still learn something! Total TypeScript's workshops dig deep and provide interactive exercises to help you master TypeScript.

Is there any live aspect to Total TypeScript or is it all self-paced?

It is all self-paced but the Discord Community is very active.

What versions of TypeScript is this compatible with?

The course is up to date and compatible with TypeScript v5.4+

I'm having trouble getting the repo running locally. Are there any alternatives?

Yes! All of the repos work in Gitpod.

Can I change my email address with which I bought the course?

Yes. Contact the support team at

You cannot transfer your license to another person.

None of these are my questions, can I contact someone?

Yes! You can email the Total TypeScript Support Email:

What are the terms and conditions?

You can read them here.