Intro to Generics 9 exercises

TypeScript Generics Workshop Welcome

Welcome to the TypeScript Generics Workshop, where you will learn all of the pieces you need to know to understand generics.

Generics are the way we describe some of the most complex JavaScript that we can write, and provide amazing inference on the functions and abstractions we build.

By the end

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0:00 What's up, wizards? Welcome to the Generics Workshop. In this module Total TypeScripts, I'm going to be taking you through all the pieces you need to know to understand generics.

0:10 Generics are the way that we really describe some of the most complex JavaScript that we can write, and they're a way of providing amazing inference on functions that we create and abstractions that we build.

0:21 By the end of this workshop, you will be a master of generics. You'll also understand how function overloads compare to them and all of the tricks that you need to be able to get really good inference on your functions.

0:32 The way it works, I'll give you a problem, then you try and find the solution. Then I'll show you what my solution was and explain all the steps I take to get there and all the concepts you need to understand.

0:42 It's like it works in reverse. Instead of me teaching you and you just sitting there, I'm going to try to get you to solve a problem first. Then, when I teach it to you, you'll understand exactly how it's applicable.

0:52 I think this is a crucial part of learning and understanding something. I've tried to provide you a framework of giving you real-world problems so that you can go and learn the solutions yourself.

1:02 Each exercise comes with an embedded editor which you can use on the site, or you can clone the repo down and run the script yourself. There'll be a link to the repository in the text below.

1:11 I think you've got all the information you need to get started. Thank you for joining along, and enjoy.