Introduction 3 exercises

TypeScript in React Frameworks

In your React projects, you're probably not going to need to set up TypeScript manually– your framework is likely going to handle that for you.

In Next, for instance, there's create-next-app, which is a setup script ships with TypeScript by default.

With Vite, you can use the react-ts-vite tem

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0:00 In your React projects, you're probably not going to need to set up TypeScript manually. The framework is probably going to handle that for you. In Next, for instance, there's a create next app. It's like setup script, and that, by default, ships with TypeScript. With Vite, you can use a template that has React TS. Even with create React app, you can have a template that has TS as well.

0:24 Then with Remix, too, Astro, all of these libraries ship with TypeScript. Any time that you're going to be setting up a new project, TypeScript is probably going to be there and you won't need to dive into the internals or anything like that. Now you know how React and TypeScript work together. When it comes to frameworks, that's probably going to be handled for you.